Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) is a simple, quick and inexpensive method that is used to sample superficial masses like those found in the neck and is usually performed in the outpatient clinic. The sample is collected by inserting a fine gauge needle into the suspected mass that is later studied under the microscope. The test primarily helps diagnose the presence of inflammatory conditions and also cancer.
How should you prepare and what to expect:
- Use of aspirin or other anti-inflammatories should be stopped at least one week prior to the test.
- Fasting for a few hours before the test is to be conducted.
- Anti-blood coagulants mustn’t be used.
In case of superficial mass lying closer to skin numbing is not done. However, when the mass to be studied lies inside a local anaesthetic is applied. After applying a sanitizer on the skin a sterile towel is kept over the area where the FNAC is to be done. The needle is inserted into the lump or the swelling and the suspected tissue is sucked through it using aspiration technique. The procedure could be repeated several times for effective sampling of the mass or the lump. USGX-rays/ may be used in case the mass is not identified otherwise.